Spring 2012 Anime Season Preview

Welcome to The Cart Driver’s world renowned anime season preview! In the post-chartfag world, the need for season previews to simply tell you what anime are coming out has been diminished. Instead I’m here to tell you why these upcoming anime are interesting. And there are a lot of…interesting anime coming out this spring. Bar…… Continue reading Spring 2012 Anime Season Preview

Terribad Anime Website Review: Sankaku Complex

I did censor any boobage, but the video is still very much NSFW. I strongly recommend not trying to keep up with the text the first time around. Go back if you doubt that Sankaku would write something to that effect. I’ve spent way too much time on Sankaku for this video. My brain was…… Continue reading Terribad Anime Website Review: Sankaku Complex

Star Driver Massacred by Censors

Fabulous mecha anime Star Driver has become the target of utterly draconian and shameless censorship it seems, with the crude mutilation of the title not even bothering to resort to the figurative fig leaf of foreshadowing and plot construction. Some complain that it is all but impossible to understand what is going on thanks to…… Continue reading Star Driver Massacred by Censors