Spring 2012 Anime Season Preview

Welcome to The Cart Driver’s world renowned anime season preview! In the post-chartfag world, the need for season previews to simply tell you what anime are coming out has been diminished. Instead I’m here to tell you why these upcoming anime are interesting. And there are a lot of…interesting anime coming out this spring. Bar…… Continue reading Spring 2012 Anime Season Preview

Fireball Charming episode 2

So, blogging plans: No Tiger and Bunny because the second episode was kinda lame. No Hanasaku Iroha because, even though the second episode remained around the same quality, I’m not too fond of melodrama and don’t feel like covering that sort of anime. No Nichijou, which I could probably say a lot about because wacko…… Continue reading Fireball Charming episode 2

March Roundup

On March 11th, Japan was hit by a 9.0 earthquake. The actual earthquake itself caused rather minimal damage due to the crazy abilities of the builders there, but the resulting tsunami devastated the north east coast. It was a bit surreal watching the news updates, with headlines like ‘Entire Town of 10,000 Goes Missing’ and…… Continue reading March Roundup

It’s cute. So what?

This is Chiyo. Say hi to Chiyo everyone. Chiyo is from the anime Azumanga Daoih. As you can see, Chiyo is incredibly cute. The reaction many have to cuteness is some sort of elation or joy, usually verbalised with a ‘kyaaa~’ or ‘hnnnnnggg’. I can recognise what cuteness is, and I do have a small…… Continue reading It’s cute. So what?

First Impressions: Durarara, Ookami Kakushi, Hanamaru Kindergarden, Seikon no Quasar

So I’ve decided to change my first impressions posting slightly. Instead of waiting for 4 shows before making a post, I’m going to do a constant update with each show I watch, similar to Star Crossed. These first impression posts were a blatant ripoff err, inspired by his format anyway so it makes more sense…… Continue reading First Impressions: Durarara, Ookami Kakushi, Hanamaru Kindergarden, Seikon no Quasar

2009 anime: A year in review

2009, the first full year of anime blogging in my life and also the first year where I’ve reached the end knowing that I’ve watched pretty much everything of worth that season. So I feel pretty damn capable of providing a proper review of the year this time round, where as last year I did…… Continue reading 2009 anime: A year in review

Hetalia Axis Powers episode 25

My local Borders, the only bookshop near me that had a decent selection of manga, is shutting down. Luckily that means all their books are at 50% off so I guess it’s shopping I shall go! Hopefully I’ll find something funny because Hetalia isn’t really doing it for me any more. Hetalia hasn’t made me…… Continue reading Hetalia Axis Powers episode 25