Mawaru PenguinDrum episode 1

I came in expecting Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, instead found myself watching Mr. Raindrop. Well OK, not quite, but I hope I wasn’t the only one who thought of Elizabeth upon seeing these penguins. Ikuhara is baaaaaaaaaaack~! I saw Revolutionary Girl Utena for the first time last year (originally in preparation for Star Driver, which didn’t…… Continue reading Mawaru PenguinDrum episode 1

November Roundup

So what happened newsworthy this month in the world on anime? Well, there was Ken Akamatsu, the Love Hina author, kicking off a website that hosted no longer publishing manga for freeview. Despite what you might have read elsewhere, the project has been a success. It’s only in Japanese for now but, in a world…… Continue reading November Roundup

Star Driver Massacred by Censors

Fabulous mecha anime Star Driver has become the target of utterly draconian and shameless censorship it seems, with the crude mutilation of the title not even bothering to resort to the figurative fig leaf of foreshadowing and plot construction. Some complain that it is all but impossible to understand what is going on thanks to…… Continue reading Star Driver Massacred by Censors