Scamp’s Top 30 Anime

It’s time to update this thing. It’s been almost 4 years since we last collaborated to produce a definitive list of the best anime of all time, so I figured it was worth returning to see what new anime have made it. But before we go onto that, I first have to give you the…… Continue reading Scamp’s Top 30 Anime

Arakawa Under the Bridge X Bridge episode 6

I did say that I would quote the opening lines from each episode at the start of each post. Just because the opening lines aren’t a pretentious metaphor for love doesn’t mean I can skimp from that duty. So here we go. Join in if you know the words. Himo himo himo himo~~~ Himo himo…… Continue reading Arakawa Under the Bridge X Bridge episode 6

Arakawa Under the Bridge episode 13 (finale)

In a move that should surprise nobody, the last episode stayed removed from the plot and was basically a ‘special’. Which is a good thing because the plot worked perfectly as it was and I would have been pretty devastated if they changed it at all, what with all my blubbering in the last episode…… Continue reading Arakawa Under the Bridge episode 13 (finale)

Scamp’s top 30 anime

To try describing my tastes in anime without using examples is a tedious and often misleading task. A far simpler and more efficient way would be to list my favourites, which, rather unsurprisingly, is exactly what this page is for. These are all anime I would recommend without a seconds hesitation. My all-time favourites, the…… Continue reading Scamp’s top 30 anime