Arakawa Under the Bridge episode 2

Shaft are such a hit or miss studio that predicting the upcoming quality of their upcoming anime is like playing minesweeper with your eyes shut. Sure, you’ll know when you’ve seen the thing where it went wrong but before that it’s a complete guessing game. The manga for Arakawa Under the Bridge is quick paced…… Continue reading Arakawa Under the Bridge episode 2

Scamp’s top 30 anime

To try describing my tastes in anime without using examples is a tedious and often misleading task. A far simpler and more efficient way would be to list my favourites, which, rather unsurprisingly, is exactly what this page is for. These are all anime I would recommend without a seconds hesitation. My all-time favourites, the…… Continue reading Scamp’s top 30 anime

Anime 2008: A year in review

How the hell am I supposed to open this post? I’m talking about every single anime in 2008, the best and the worst in every category. I haven’t seen everything this year obviously, such as Aria, ef, Shigofumi and DMC, but I’ve had a chance to check out pretty much everything else. Anyway, here we…… Continue reading Anime 2008: A year in review

Natsume Yuujinchou episode 10

A wee bit behind with this post of Natsume, but I’m usually hyper punctual so I’m sure nobody else will mind. Besides, Bokutachi no BLOG is currently doing it’s 2008 fall/Autumn anime preview! This will be out when Brian and Loba have collected their thoughts, so keep a bookmark on here because I’m sure you’ll learn…… Continue reading Natsume Yuujinchou episode 10