Everyday Life (Nichijou) episode 0

Bear with me on this review, because I start by going off on a massive tangent. I don’t hate K-ON. I don’t think it’s any good either, but it doesn’t fall into a lot of the pitfalls that many of these ‘cute girls doing cute things’ anime regularly fall into. It’s one of the few…… Continue reading Everyday Life (Nichijou) episode 0

Sora no Manimani episode 11

I suck at speed blogging Sora no Manimani. Every single episode, without fail, is blogged quicker by THAT and Rabbitpoets before I can even open my laptop. The annoying this is that I like reading both their blogs and they are both regular commenters on here so I can’t get angry at them. They’ll probably…… Continue reading Sora no Manimani episode 11

First Impressions: K-ON!, Requiem for the Phantom, Asura Cryin', Natsu no Arashii

This will be my fourth season doing first impression posts and for some strange reason they are my favorite type of post. I can’t quite place my finger as to why either. It’s not easier, it doesn’t get far more comments or hits and it takes quite a while to formulate my thoughts on 20…… Continue reading First Impressions: K-ON!, Requiem for the Phantom, Asura Cryin', Natsu no Arashii

Fall/Autumn Anime: Gundam 00 Season 2, Toradora, Hyakko, Akane iro ni Somaru Saka

I was going to put all the shows into one BIG post, but I’d have trouble getting through the whole thing, so I’d assume you, reader, would get bored too. So I’m going to cover 4 shows at a time. Keep tuned! My Rating System Explained! A = If you watch anything this season, watch…… Continue reading Fall/Autumn Anime: Gundam 00 Season 2, Toradora, Hyakko, Akane iro ni Somaru Saka