2016 Anime Catchup: Gundam Thunderbolt

Thanks to moving countries, dodgy internet connections and Overwatch, I’ve fallen behind on a bunch of anime this season. Series have been left half-finished, first episodes watched then never returned to. With the end of the year looming, it was time for me to go through a mega catch-up period so I can still be…… Continue reading 2016 Anime Catchup: Gundam Thunderbolt

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress episode 4 – Steam powered bows

How exactly did we end up with a kabane that is like 10 feet tall anyway? Given that he has this big growth coming out of his shoulder, I think you’re supposed to infer that in becoming a kabane he has somehow mutated. But I feel like his body proportions should be a lot more…… Continue reading Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress episode 4 – Steam powered bows