12 Days of Anime #5: I didn’t have terrible taste as a teenager

I was pretty confident Kino’s Journey would hold up to a rewatch. It’s a critics darling with a timeless art style and unique storytelling with no real obvious flaws. It tells tales that have stuck with me through the years even long after I’ve forgotten all the other anime I’d seen around it. Something I…… Continue reading 12 Days of Anime #5: I didn’t have terrible taste as a teenager

2003 Anime: Last Exile

Last Exile is a big classic adventure anime featuring a heavy steampunk aesthetic and dodgy early 00’s Gonzo CGI. It tells the story of Klaus and Lavie, two pilots of little messenger aircraft-type things called Vanships. They take over a mission to deliver a little girl called Alvis to a renegade sky ship called the…… Continue reading 2003 Anime: Last Exile