The anime I’ve been watching Summer 2018 edition – Really stupid comedies

As you can see, I have only been watching the good stuff, namely Gobdwarf. 

In the past few months I’ve moved countries, changed career, started a new job, unpacked an entire home, and generally had a lot happen. I’m finally able to calm down and relax a bit. In that time I’ve suddenly found myself with the itch to write more again. Turns out when you spend the past two years having to churn out articles for a living, it leaves one with little enthusiasm to come home and continue writing as a hobby. That is basically the reason why I stopped writing on this blog for so long. Now that I no longer write that much for a living anymore, I’ve found I actually want to write for fun again. You’ll probably see a lot more of me from now on, at least as I try get back into the swing of writing about anime again.

This also means I have a lot more time to watch anime again. However given the exhaustion of the moving process, I’ve fallen behind on all the more respectable anime like My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Bananafish, Lupin III, Steins;Gate. Meanwhile all I have kept up with have been the incredibly stupid comedies from this season. So yeah, that’s what we will be talking about today!

Asobi Asobase

Early on I was all ready to call this anime of the year. Bizarre, eccentric, madcap, nonsense of quite astonishing proportions. It has the setup of a cute girls in afterschool club do cute things, except none of the girls act cute or indeed do anything cute, not least of all their facial expressions. A lot of the faces come out of horror manga, with the use of lighting to create distorted, evil expressions as they react to the child’s game they have decided to play this week. Either that, or the faces come from expressionist art. Essentially the idea is to make mundane situations requiring the most extreme responses, from hospitalising yourself in a shoe toss by hurling yourself off a hill on a bicycle, or act as though you are being dragged into hell by Jigoku Shoujo in a game where you pretend you are pulling turnips from the ground.

It is very blue humour, which is both part of why it is so amazing while also being its biggest downfall when it fails. Jokes about farts, butt slapping, sex, and shogi and so on all make the show push further with its jokes than most other anime do, with some truly incredible results. In a way the main girl in the show feels like the main character in Watamote if she could actually socialise, with all the horrible thoughts from her head coming out as part of her personality. The main problem with Asobi Asobase is when it misses the mark with a joke, it comes from lazy and often harmful stereotypes. Christmas cake teachers, smelly foreigners, slutty ganguros, transphobia, you name a lazy offensive stereotype and there’s a good chance Asobi Asobase will make a joke about that. You can use blue humour to push boundaries in comedy to make some quite bold statements. Asobi Asobase uses blue humour to make the laziest, harmful stereotype observations. When it’s on form it’s one of the greatest anime comedies ever, but when it goes for this sort of humour it gets it so wrong I almost feel betrayed.

Grand Blue Dreaming

Definitely the stupidest of the three stupid anime comedies, and by quite a distance too. Grand Blue Dreaming is supposedly about diving, but I see more diving in the average Premier League game than in this show. I think in the 6-7 episodes I’ve watched, they’ve actually gone diving in the sea once, and even that they showed very little underwater and seemed more interested in the girls briefly in bikinis. Not that the show is all semi-naked girls. The ratio of naked girls to naked dudes is about 1 to 5 billion. Considering they manage this with very little use of stripping to go diving, that is impressive. The nudity is justified primarily through the consumption of alcohol. Also because idk naked dudes getting blackout drunk and heading to lectures in their underwear is funny and quite relatable as a college life experience.

I hesitate to call this a good show. The animation is truly dreadful, like legitimately the worst I have seen in a television anime in several years. Its closest comparison would be something like Moyashimon in the sense that it’s a slightly raunchy college life comedy, but I felt like I learned something from Moyashimon while it also had characters with more depth and cleverer comedy, while all I’ve learned from Grand Blue is if you sense of smell is gone you can tell something is vodka and not water by setting it on fire. But I keep watching Grand Blue Dreaming because I keep laughing at all these stupid people and their dumb actions. The bisexual sempai trying to be a good wingman because she’s convinced our main character likes the blonde otaku dude. The gradual acceptance that rock paper scissors requires you to strip. Whenever it actually tries to give the character depth it tends to be very dull, so on the whole I would just prefer it continues to be stupid so I can continue laughing.

Chio’s School Road

Not to be confused with Chi’s Sweet Home, which is about a cat named after pissing, Chio’s School Road is about a gamer who gets called cunt in CS:GO by foreigners and decides to practice her methods of owning noobs in next night’s session on her way to school. Its setup is quite similar to Asobi Asobase in the sense that it is about taking the mundane activities of cutesy girl anime and taking them to extremes. However the actual results of the two are quite different. While Asobi goes for the nightmarish extremes of horror and blue comedy, Chio takes a more logical approach where to expand the original premise of the joke. Dramatic framing to escape mild problems of being trapped in a bathroom or facing a tough bike gang member. The internal monologue of Chio is where most of the comedy comes from as she tries to work her way out of her current predicament in her head while plunging herself into further problems.

In a way this is the least stupid of the comedies of this season. The format of the jokes requires imagination and ingenuity to come up with the most logical escape solutions while turning those solutions into results with the most hilarious of consequences. The entire Bloody Butterfly segment is a great example of this, as is the end of the cigarette gag where she tries to convince the teacher she is totally a bad girl. Where Chio’s School Road falls is in a kinda similar fashion to Asobi Asobase, when it falls to more lazy boob type jokes. I know the author used to be a porn mangaka, and to be honest the random upskirt flashes don’t really bother me since they aren’t exactly done with pervy gaze in mind and more come about from the ridiculous situations Chio has forced herself into and add to the ignominy of what she has found herself requiring to do. But please, enough with the anti-grav giant boobs.

23 thoughts on “The anime I’ve been watching Summer 2018 edition – Really stupid comedies

  1. Good to have you back, Joe. I’d love to see another Terribad review from you sometime. I like your more experimental stuff. I miss the polls in the sidebar. Have you thought about doing more stuff on YouTube? (
    Do whatever you want to do, even if it’s just monthly roundups or season previews. After all these years, you’re the last anime blogger I follow. I watch a lot of stuff on YouTube. There’s good content if you know where to look.
    Also, I think Cells at Work is the best anime of Summer 2018. Agree or disagree?

    1. Eh, I’ve sort of gone off the Terribad anime format. Maybe I’ll return to it one day, but maybe in a different format.

      Cells at Work is pretty great

  2. “In the past few months I’ve moved countries, changed career, started a new job…” <— Oooh, can we have the juicy details?

    "However given the exhaustion of the moving process, I’ve fallen behind on all the more respectable anime like My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Bananafish, Lupin III, Steins;Gate." <— Meh, going by the ANN reviews, Steins;Gate is no big loss, and MHA and AoT are going by some uninteresting arcs (I can personally vouch for the MHA bit at least). Still, would like to hear your thoughts if you ever get round to them.

    1. Oh man do I have thoughts about My Hero Academia.

      Not to go into too much detail of my personal life, but I’ve gone from being a low-paid journalist in the UK to a more boring but much better paid comms job for an international company in Germany

      1. Huh, welcome to my country I guess. Though now I am curious will brexit, should it not be eternally be delayed, be a problem for you?

        Anyway great to read your blog again might motivate me to actually watch some anime instead of just following manga since I can’t be bothered to sift through the shitty anime.

      2. I think the only real way Brexit impacts me is I should probably spend the Pounds Sterling I have earned now

  3. Holy carp…Scamp is back. What year is this?

    I haven’t gotten around to Grand Blue yet, if I ever do, but I have been enjoying the other two.

  4. Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger is quite good and I’m interested to see where its headed. It has some of the most visually appealing fights, with great sound design. Many “Fwips” “Gongs” “Fwaps” Like the guy’s past works, there’s a lot of movement, verticality, using and changing the environment of the fight. The story is engaging enough and I dig the pre WWII Japanese setting but the silky smooth fights are the biggest draw for me. They’re a real treat.

    1. Wait, is anyone even subbing Sirius the Jaegar? I kept waiting for official subs of it and none ever showed up

      1. Motbob is subbing it, albeit with every episode coming out a week late. Check the usual place.

        Glad to hear of your (potential) return. Hope things are well for you and the wife.

  5. Also, it’s good to read your writing again.

    Banana Fish is different but for whatever reason it hasn’t grabbed me. It’s quality stuff from a production standpoint and I think the characters are solid enough.

    Cells at Work is funny, “Very Educational”, and gross as well. It presents the info about the body, infections, etc, in a digestible and entertaining way.

    I read the manga for Attack on Titan and this is the arc where we “get answers” (finally) and there’s more questions / answers to be had later on. I don’t think the writing or pacing is that good but it’s a dumb, wild ride which I happen to enjoy. I like where the manga is at currently. It’s ridiculous.

    Lupin III- the new series manages to keep things fresh and entertaining. The new character is a nice change of pace and a solid addition tot he cast. If you haven’t I’d recommend watching some of the new Lupin movies like Daisuke Jigen’s Gravestone or Goemon Ishikawa’s Spray of Blood as well. The animation, color, and sound direction are top notch.

    On a side note I read all of what’s been translated of the manga Rainbow thanks to a review from the Anime World Order podcast people. It’s brutal and the adults at the youth correction center (prison) are drawn in the most vile, disgusting way. I do like how the main cast all grow, the villains get their just desserts after some time, and the cast earn their way into their a modest success with many bumps in the road.

    Billy Bat by the guy who wrote Monster and 20th Century Boys was a wild ride. Figures like Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr, Walt Disney, Hitler, Einstein, Francis Xavier, Hattori Hanzo, and Lee Harvey Oswald are handled quite well in this historical fiction. He has a thread that puts the reader behind the scenes and at the crossroads of major historical events in a tasteful manner. Also imo the ending of Billy Bat is one of his best, if not the best. It wraps things up nicely, it doesn’t drag on like some of his past works, and it packs an emotional punch.

    1. I’ll probably end up writing about a whole lot of these soon enough, but quickly on Bananafish – I think I have given up on that. Setting it in the current day when it is so clearly a period piece is incredibly jarring. Plus the way it treats gay rape like its salacious for the audience makes me uncomfortable

  6. It’s alive! The monthly roundup is alive! — welcome back dude.

    I’m an animation junkie so here’s a word or two about the quality of this seasons anime. is finished with horse girls, now it’s werewolves vs vampires with Sirius the Jaeger. They haven’t done a decent action series since Cannan in 2009.

    Kyoany is doing another Free season which is only worth watching to see how amazingly good they can animate water. Seriously when they jump in the pool I can’t read the subtitles anymore because I can’t take my eyes off that water.

    Then there’s Hanebado! Yes I know, some of the overacting in this badminton anime is enough to rival that of Attack on Titan. But the animation of the gameplay and sweaty girls is ambitious and remarkable. And the bad mother is the girl from Keijo.

    1. Hanebado is incredibly well animated, possibly even better than Haikyuu which its quite similar to. However BOY did I hate all the characters. Gave up on that one remarkably quickly.

  7. Nice to see you back; what/where are you doing/living these days?

    Out of the three comedies, Chio’s School Road is easily my favourite, although I have to contend with the fact that the mangaka has created a world where every male adult is attracted to schoolgirls. It certainly provides a bleak idea of what his doujin material are like. Still, it has a perfect portrayal of teenage dirtbag besties and has provided Chiaki Omigawa the role she was always destined to play.

    I’m pretty much with you on Asobi Asobase. When the focus is on the individual failings of the girls it’s great, but when it relies on nasty stereotypes it crosses a line into cruel and judgemental territory that I’m just not comfortable with. Still, it has provided the most moe character of the season in Oka. That girl needs to be added to MHA as Froppy’s goth cousin or something. Someone arrange a character swap with Mineta.

    Grand Blue is perfectly fine, although I find its late 90’s harem-esque gazing towards the female cast totally at odds with the college setting, making it feel like it was written for horny school boys fantasizing about leaving home, rather than the more realistic portrayal that Moyashimon & even Silver Spoon presented. At least it doesn’t have the two creepy wannabe date-rapist friends. I would also happily trade them for Grand Blue’s sempai club bros.

    As for the rest, just give up on Steins Gate O. I know the initial episodes seemed like they were leading up to something, but at this point it’s worst than the movie. Planet With is also a shockingly well put together little show, but I could totally get why the early 00’s aesthetic doesn’t work for many. Revue Starlight is also great but I’d never recommend it to you.

    1. Nooooo! Don’t say that about Steins;Gate, those first two episodes were super promising!

      I legitimately could not give a donkeys cock about Planet With due to how dreadful I thought that mangaka’s other work that everyone raves about is.

  8. welcome back. i’ve been randomly checking this website every so often hoping you would post an article. i’m glad to see that you are writing FOR FUN again. i was just perusing the fall 2018/2019 anime-chart, and having just started a new career myself, i find the upcoming season to be quite exciting and am “considering” watching/following a lot of new shows. i hope you will be posting a “Fall Anime Preview” – THANKS.

  9. I love your writing to bits. You can occasionally convince me to watch an anime that I would not have even shaken a stick at.

    Having said that, I am also busy, and I have no time for experimentation.

    I got myself to watch Attack on Titan Season 3 and it seems to be amazing.

    Keeping an aye out here… Maybe I am a bad fan, but when there is no more season previews here, I may just stop watching anime.

    Except when I get drunk… Then, of course I will watch Stand Alone Complex episodes or Monogatari (any of the seasons) episodes.

    1. Haha I feel the same about season previews – maybe we are spoiled bad fans? I find myself watching season one of “psycho-pass”” and the first 12 episodes of “death note” recently to keep me sane in my limited free time this weekend. we really didn’t know how good we had it back when scamp was writing articles every three to five days did we?

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