Durarara!! x2 episode 5 – Izaya’s selfie cam

DurararaX2 - 05 -1I enjoyed the opening scene of Izaya recording himself on his phone and he rambled on about the price of the human soul and how much someone was willing to sell it for. Not necessarily for its contents, although I do like that they didn’t go for the stereotypical “everyone has their price” routine and admitted that there are some people for whom some things you could never get them to do no matter how much money was offered. I would suck another man’s johnny for enough money but you could offer me $1 billion and I wouldn’t kill my own mother. The reason I liked the scene though was the idea that Izaya has gotten so desperate for attention now that he’s started taking selfie videos and posting them on youtube as he talks whatever is on his mind.

DurararaX2 - 05 -4[2]I love this new character. Yes Narita has done fedora wearing characters before who weren’t assholes. But people like Firo could get away with it because it was literally the 1930’s. This new guy though is a self-proclaimed ladies man who acts like a nice guy but is really a bit of a shithead who treats women like delicate princesses who need protecting and shouldn’t get involved with any dirty work. He hasn’t just read pickup artists books. He’s probably written a few himself. And, like pickup artists, hit depressingly genuinely works and he gets his entourage of women following him around even when he starts displaying that attitude. Meanwhile coffee shop lady is the normal person who sees the guy and wants to get the hell away from him. Besides, you know that if you want a real man who will treat you with respect, you go with the sweetheart that is Shizuo.

DurararaX2 - 05 -13[2]I’ve heard some heathens out there don’t go for the basically canon ship of Shizuo and Izaya and instead think Shizuo has the hots for Tom, the fellow he acts as bodyguard for. I can see where they’re coming from, but personally I feel they’re relationship is one more of mutual respect and Shizuo wants to try his best so Tom can get his work done, rather than one of animalistic lust between him and Izaya shut up it’s totally canon. The scene of him in the coffee shop with Tom was neat because it was one of the rare occasions you got to see Shizuo not just yelling and throwing something. He’s not really that different from his brother when you get down to it. He even seemed to be trying to keep his temper under control for Tom’s sake and Tom was trying to help him by quickly changing the subject away from Izaya.

(gosh Izaya is a hard name to type on this German keyboard when the y and z have swapped positions).

Durarara x2 Shou - 05 - Large 27Watching this episode I realised that the character who reacts the most humanly and naturally to situations in Durarara is Celty. She gets scared at minor things and worries about people. She tries to work out how to get out of situations logically and remarks that people seem scary in her mind. It’s a neat little detail that the most unnatural character reacts in the most natural ways. Her interview with the Yakuza was entertaining to watch her try to keep the situation under control while dealing with gangsters, like some sort of salarywoman entering a world she didn’t quite understand but had seen enough movies to get a general idea of what she’s supposed to do.

29 thoughts on “Durarara!! x2 episode 5 – Izaya’s selfie cam

  1. Silly child, thinking she can kill Shizuo with a stungun. One could hardly do it with an actual gun.
    Speaking of Shizuo though, I’m getting the feeling that having new characters getting beaten up by him is a great way of introducing them. It already happened to the serial killer idol and the seventh most dangerous assassin in Russia. In a way it’s kinda comfortable and familiar. It’s like, in a world so frantic and with so many distiguished characters, one of the few invariables is that Shizuo beats the crap out of everybody (mostly).

  2. What makes the selfie scene even better is that the audience Izaya’s so desperate to impress just rolls her eyes and tosses the iPad aside. Truly, Izaya will be forever alone.

    Which is exactly why Shizuo/Izaya will never happen, Scamp. That rage Shizuo has for Izaya comes not from hidden lust for him, but from frustration over being constantly cockblocked. Do you not see how he plays (well, tries to play) the role of the demure, respectful kohai so that Tom-sempai will notice him? He’s just very tired of Izaya making him look bad in front of Tom by trolling him.

    1. I like both those interpretations, especially the second one. Izaya is like the embarrassing family member who keeps fucking up your attempt to impress a pretty lady

  3. I really hope the blonde biker is a good character, so far the new characters have been wonderful, plus they replaced some old boring characters like Izaya’s Secretary’s Brother and his stalker/girlfriend.

    Also, what is Tom’s work anyway? Actually, now that I think about it, is he American? His name and physical appearance at least point out he isn’t japanese.

    1. He’s a Debt Collector,

      Here how he hired Shizuo.

      They were friends in middle school and Tom after hearing that Shizuo was fired from his latest job of being a bartender gave him a job as his bodyguard. Thanks to the fact that Tom is able to control Shizuo and Shizuo’s strength and destructive tendencies are actually a good quality to have in his line of work (instead of problematic like they were for his previous employers), Tom became Shizuo’s permanent employer. Shizuo’s job is to “basically beat up people who can’t pay up,” and generally to stay around Tom, protecting him. Tom has also made it clear that Shizuo doesn’t need to beat everybody up, the idea being to use Shizuo’s name and reputation to scare people into paying their debts. Shizuo, unfortunately, does so anyway.

    2. Debt collector, I think for a dating site or some soapland thing. I think they mention it back in episode 7 of season 1.

  4. I’m too lazy to look it up, and I don’t want to rewatch season 1 so can anyone tell me who among the main cast (excluding the new characters) are NOT part of Dollars?

    1. Going by the wiki? Seiji (severed head-loving boy), Mika (stalker girl), Saki (Kida’s girlfriend), Namie, Tom, Chikage, Akane (little stun gun girl), Vorona (biker girl), Sloan (giant guy who was with Vorona in the BG during Chikage’s intro), Orihara twins, Kasuka, Ruri, Shinra, and motorcycle cop guy. Probably more.

      1. I thought the Orihara twins showed up inside the Dollars chatroom when Izaya told them that “I know it’s you two” or something like that?

      2. @Anon: I think the implication is that they found the chatroom despite not being a part of Dollars (with Namie’s help).

        Is it confirmed that it’s a dollars chatroom though? I thought it was just an independent chat client that Izaya had gathered everyone on. I most definitely might be wrong about this though).

      3. That’s not the Dollars chatroom – notice the conspicuous lack of the god-knows-how-many Dollars members in it? It’s just a private chatroom Izaya created, presumably so he can practice posing as a girl on the internet.

      4. Aah, thought as much. I was leaving it open to the possibility that they were on a separate channel on the dollars chat client, but guess not.

      5. what? I haven’t been paying attention since s1 then! I thought you had to be a member of dollars to get to that chatroom.

      6. Nope, you just have to have the URL. The Dollars site seems to use a forum instead, at least from memory.

  5. Well Celty is in my opinion the most “normal” human in the series. Despite not being a human.

    I have always thought that a little kid wanting to kill you is pretty scary thought. An adult or a teenager wanting to kill someone isn’t that rare at all, but a little kid is really rare. Unfortunately or fortunately she wants to kill Shizuo. So she will fail. If she wanted to kil someone like Mikado she probably could do it.

    I also enjoyed Rocchi the ladies man. I hate violence, I have never punched anyone, but if somebody hurts a woman then I could punch him. I hate violence against women so I can somewhat relate to this characters. Even though I am REALLY bad with the ladies.

    I always enjoy scenes where a really good character like Izaya monologues(is that a word?). Reminded me of Kaiki.

    I have only one real complaint right know about Durarara!! Too many characters. I am already scared that how many characters there will be next year when the third part of this new season arrives. You can’t include every character in one episode anymore. If there is character that you really like you might have to wait 3 or more episodes to see him/her. Izaya, Shizuo and Celty are my favourite characters.

    I forgot to mention how cute Celty and Shinra were together last week. I like this couple. It feels like they really love each other.

    In another news Genshiken manga is awesome right know. It focuses on Madara and/or Hato, which is perfect. Hato has become my favourite character ever. Seeing him face his sexuality and identity problems is really fucking good. It feels so real. How can I tell? I have had similiar problems believe it or not. Read Genshiken now!

    1. In the midst of the turmoil that is DRRR, there exists one universal truth…

      Hero will never give up,
      never hide, never be defeated,
      never accept evil.

    2. In the midst of the crazy that is DRRR, there exists one universal truth…

      Hero will never give up,
      never hide, never be defeated,
      never accept evil.

  6. I was disappointed Shizuo, Izaya, and Celty weren’t bosses in the recently released Record Breaker game. At least they all have skills that are completely in character.

    Also the little girl is cute with how hard she’s trying to stay stuck on Shizuo.

  7. The fedora wearing faggot is basically Seiji from Log Horizon. I wonder how I’d were see him if this were my first encounter with this line of thought. It’s abso-bloody-lutely bonkers, but it didn’t shock or surprise me. It’s childish and scary and a little bushido.

    And now I’m off to save the White Knight page on TV tropes because it’s hideous.

    1. Who’s Seiji? Do you mean the blue-haired-ladies’-man-secret-technique-badass-with-stereotypical-Chinese-eyes guy?

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