I made an anime openings quiz

>Quiz Here<

100 anime openings from the past 20 years. Post your results in the comments, preferably in the form of a screenshot of the results page. No cheating by looking at the comments first. In case the audio doesn’t work for you, here’s a direct link to the audio needed.

Guessing anime openings has been something I’ve been doing for as long as I’ve been an anime fan. I used to play “top X anime openings” videos on youtube, minimise the screen and try to name the anime with my sister. One of the first things I made as an anime fan was a top 20 anime openings video. It was fun to finally make one myself after all these years. It’s very deliberately designed to lull you into a false sense of security. You’ll see what I mean when you start the quiz.

152 thoughts on “I made an anime openings quiz

  1. Holy shit my mind is melting from some of the familiar ones….. All the pain… of not remembering it.

    Will post my result soon-ish.

    1. 10/100

      Total utter defeat… I am ashamed, since some of those I should’ve known but it’s been so long… and I tend to skip OP back then.

      NHK was a lucky guess since I thought I heard Kenji Ohtsuki, and I know he did one of the songs for Welcome to the NHK.

      Fucking hell, one of my friend back then is a hardcore School Rumble fan and I’ve heard the OP countless times too…

      1. I’m really scratching my head at how you can get Sakura Wars but not Cowboy Bloody Bebop. I thought Bebop was one of those things everyone had ingrained into their head

      2. It’s not my fault that the TV station showed Sakura Wars and not (at least from what I remember) Cowboy Bebop.

        EDIT: whoa GTO is actually that old??!?

  2. 38/100 http://postimage.org/image/p8f4xi34v/

    Looking at the ones I missed, not surprised I missed most of them as a lot of them I just never watched. But pretty disppointed in myself for completely forgetting the titles to shows whose songs I recognized, like Jyu Oh Sei or Abenobashi, and I just can’t explain my brain farts on Eden of the East and Crest of the Stars, or Captain Tylor.

    Fun quiz, thanks!

      1. It’s a catchy song! Despite that, I had to listen to that one twice before I remembered what it was from. :/ The show is…ok, I never managed to finish it.

  3. 24/100, though to be fair I only got Black Lagoon by at the end frantically typing all the names of anime I know you’ve seen.

  4. 14/100 – all in the first column. Regarding the other two columns, I’ve only ever seen one of the anime there…

    1. The last column is mostly bleh apart from Black Heaven, Kogepan and Popee, but none from the second column? There’s some real top quality stuff in there!

    1. Man, when I made this quiz, I thought the middle column would pose some issues. But I thought it would be people getting half to a third, not widespread no-shows. Perhaps I made the quiz a touch too difficult…

    2. OH YEAH, the one I had actually heard but forgot from where was Fractale, dammit! Well, I did drop that one at ep. 4…

  5. 10… I skip almost all openings. And there are actually a few animes I haven’t watched in the second halve, like Heat Guy J. And even some I haven’t heard off like Kurogane Communication. Anyway I suck at this.

    And Crest of Stars was from 1999? I hope they someday adopt the rest of Banner of the Stars, Jinto and Lafiel are among my favourite couples.

    1. Will admit I’m a little amazed you can’t get Bebop/Evangelion/Baccano/Geass or some combination of 3 of those. You need to level up big time

      1. I got Evangelion right atleast since my friend forced me to watch it and the tune was kinda catchy.

        I barely watch anime. I felt a bit silly for even trying this.

  6. 21/100 I didn’t know how to post my score here but I did get Code Geass I can still stay at the cool kids table right!!??

    Out of the middle and right columns, I only got King gainer and Black Heaven though.

  7. 29/100 lmao Scamp u oldfag

    Also, no matter how many variations of Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru I put in, it wouldn’t work. Might wanna fix that.

    1. It’s only the past 20 years guys! That’s really not that old!

      Also Soremachi is in under that exact spelling, and a few others besides. Think that’s your fault =P

  8. 11/100
    I’ve seen 11 shows from the list. Got them all except Onizuka op.
    Plus I recognized Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure thanks to Podtaku.

    1. At least you know the song, because that is the greatest goddamn anime OP that is not the second last one on that list

  9. 47/100

    Don’t feel too bad about most of the one’s I missed. Only ones I’m disappointed I missed are Onizuka, Tatami Galaxy, and Rio.

  10. That time limit sucks. I barely started the third column when it ran out. 30/100, no screenshot because I refreshed instantly so I could do it again <_<

    1. 40 on second try isn’t much better. Strange that I didn’t recognize Fractale, I’ve listened to that song a lot.

    2. Time limit is unfortunately the highest sporcle will let me go. Also holy shit somebody got the Violinist of Hamlen OP. I only put that one in because I needed older ones and it sounded terrible

      1. Well, it was memorable. The OPs were pretty much the only thing they animated properly – I heard Hameln had the lowest budget in pre-flash anime history.

        And I liked to collect anime OP and EDs. I have 120GB of them.

    1. Finally somebody noticed Da Crapo!

      Also complaining about all the older ones, but then you get Marmalade Boy?

  11. Too many I know by tune, but not by name or where they come from, so fuck that. Also running out of time as you furiously type in the last you remember really exemplifies my feelings to having to remember names. Fuck all o’ that. At least after 10 seconds I had HARD ROCK SAVE THE SPACE already, too easy to predict that one.


    1. Anything to get more people to watch Black Heaven. Was tempted to just put the entire song in at the end for shits and giggles

  12. I forgot to take a picture and I don’t want to redo it, but I got 40/10. Lots of shows I haven’t seen, but I know the opening. About five more I recognized, but couldn’t name.

    It’s a bit amusing how some openings made me want to watch the respective series.

    1. I did deliberately pick anime openings I thought were good so it wasn’t just a list of the same squeaky voice girl singing over and over again. Seems to have gotten people interested in a few anime, so it worked

  13. http://imgur.com/Umc9dXK (23/100)
    Didn’t think I’d do as poorly as I have. Though aside from michiko e hachin, sankarea and rideback (O! and Letter Bee but fuck Letter Bee) I did get everything I’ve seen from these hundred. By the time it got about halfway through the second column I actually got bored with this and started browsing the net while listening to the OPs. It’s kinda depressing to see that hasn’t at all influenced my score.

    1. It was deliberately designed to have the second half be really difficult. Next time I’ll split them into two

  14. 21/100

    But I’m pretty happy with this because I didn’t miss on any series that I’ve fully completed.

    The most exciting part is guessing correctly on series you’ve never seen before. Watching/reading “top X anime openings” lists makes Last Exile unmistakeable for example.

  15. 38/100 Out of the anime have seen I only missed gunsmith cats and code Geass. I though it was eureka seven and your quiz was broken. XXXholic was the only one I got by spamming animes I could think of and I should of gotten magical shopping arcade, but did not know the full name. fun and thank you.
    http://s21.postimage.org/w02253zx3/failtest.jpg = the proof.

  16. 18/100, 2 guesses, but 1 aside for typing out “Paranoid Agent” instead of the right title like 5 times. I haven’t seen many of these, and also, chalk me up for all blanks on the middle column, the only of which I might have known was Xam’d.

  17. I usually lurk but here I am at midnight commenting. 30/100 for me.
    I was really crappy when it came to the 90s/early 2000s, but proud of myself for guessing kogepan without ever hearing the op song.

    1. Hahaha that’s pretty great. I can whistle the Kogepan OP off by heart. You should watch it, it’s only 30 mins and it’s pretty great

  18. A modest 28/100 for me. At least I got Who is Imouto right, and that’s all that matters in the end right?

    I did recognize the one at 12:33-12:44, but couldn’t place it and thought to myself, “Why don’t I remember where this is from, this opening is awesome, the show it’s from is surely awesome as well.” And it was from Fractale. Yeah… What a crappy anime. Opening is still catchy as hell though. Got Legend of Black Heaven right (it was featured in some of your earlier posts I believe), haven’t watched that one yet, will do in the near future though.


  19. 21/100. I tried to get at least 25 and there were at least four songs I heard that I knew, but couldn’t remember the anime for.

  20. Damn I suck at this. The annoying thing was hearing songs that I recognized, but had never seen the shows (Let it go systematic people). How the bloody hell do I answer those?! 😥
    1018-1025, 607-616 had me slamming my head against the desk.

    21/100 😦

    1. Hah, I know that feeling! That’s one of the greatest feelings ever. The frustration is weirdly exhilerating

  21. 27/100, which I really can’t complain about – I got all the shows that I’ve seen more than a couple of. Quite a few points there from lucky guesses, either based on Scamp’s tastes or just year/sound – Cowboy Bebop, Wolf’s Rain, GTO, Hare Guu, Legend of Black Heaven…


  22. I got 27/100. Maybe could’ve gotten like 35 if I tried really hard, but with half of the list being pretty obscure titles I’m not really surprised I didn’t get more.

    How did you make the selection, Scamp? It feels too random for a list of ‘here’s anime music I enjoyed’, so did you just take a few staples and then mostly random titles?

    Disappointed at the lack of NOW I’VE LOST IT by the way. Also Disappointed at the lack of the Initial D First Stage opening, but I know you haven’t seen it (seriously, go watch that show.)

    1. Started with iconic OPs, moved into the more recognisable, then onto OPs I think are good/different, then went for totally random ones. I tried for the most part to pick OPs that stood out in some form or another

  23. 24/100. Damnit, i actually predicted there’s Bleach, One Outs, and even freaking WHO IS IMOUTO (yea, i thought the list is not for the lulz) but i’m too unsure. Well played.

  24. 20/100

    Everyone should watch Polar Bear Cafe opening and enjoy it.
    Also I don’t like Code Geass. Maybe I should try to watch it again.

  25. 60/100. Funny… most of the stuff I got right I haven’t even seen yet, just heard the songs. Also, your taste in anime shows in this quiz. Try mixing it up more.

    1. I tried picking anime with OPs that aren’t the same generic jpop songs. Anime that don’t have jpop tend to the stranger or more stylish, which is where my taste tends to swing towards anyway. I didn’t put in a bunch of action/mecha OPs for anime I like because they tend to all sound the same

  26. 20/100

    In retrospect, I should have gotten Psycho-Pass, Precure, Future Diary, and Kill Me Baby. I wonder what happened there…

  27. 43/100. Not too shabby, better than I thought I’d do. Although that last column is really pathetic on my part. I can’t believe you had the ops for Blue Seed and Those Who Hunt Elves. Talk about a trip down memory lane :D.

  28. 26/100. There’s about 10 of them that I’m kicking myself over missing. Also, Kill Me Baby was a free point, even though I never watched the show.

      1. That’s because people only remember the ED

        Speaking of which, you should make an ED quiz next

    1. Always interesting to see that the anime in the last column people get right. A lot of people getting Lagrange right, which I shouldn’t be too surprised at

  29. 0/100~!!!! I BROKE THE WORLD RECORDDD!!!!!! But seriously, I didn’t answer any because while I can remember the songs (I watch OP at least once, at least…), I can’t remember which songs goes to where. Well, not all but almost all so I’d rather not answer at all.

  30. 39/100 Though I ran out of time before going through the entire playlist. I usually instantly recognize the song on a bunch but then had to pause and think of the name. Maybe it’s just because it is 5am but I even had to dredge up Azumanga’s name. All I was thinking was “oh he just did a post on this”…wtf was it called again? The Ryoko’s in the 3rd column is a fluke. I heard something jazzy that wasn’t Tank or Guns & Roses.

    1. 20 minutes was the longest I could set it. Will probably cut the number of songs in the ED one I eventually do

  31. DAMMIT SCAMP! now i’m depressed! I’m going to make one of these too so that i could claim that there is at least one anime openings quiz that i answered perfectly on sporcle!!!!

      1. FWIW, I only got scrapped princess in the second column and black heaven on the third.

        That was fun though, i’ll really try making one too.

      2. Yes, I’d like to see other people try so I can do a quiz that I don’t already know the answers to

      3. Ripped OPs from youtube. Arranged them into one audio file using Audacity. Uploaded it onto soundcloud. Embed that into the sporcle create quiz page. Takes a while, but I’m weird and quite enjoyed the process

  32. One thing the quiz made me realize is that its not always how prominent the anime was that makes the OP easy to remember, but rather how good the OP was. In the first column, most of the shows were popular ones, but also they had famous OP’s. i was able to guess quite a few, even though I had never watched the anime, because the OP’s were quite notable. Likewise, I missed a few even though I had watched the show, because i’d never really paid attention to the OP (cause it sucked).

    BTW, you didn’t include NOW I’VE LOST IT. Son, I’m dissapoint

  33. Sound Cloud is so slow so I couldn’t finish. I got to until the second column and I got 31. I got more than half on the first column but I couldn’t get that many on the second.

  34. Apparently my first two attempts at posting my score got eaten by an overactive spam filter 🙂

    I got a 26/100 or as I like to think of it a 26/62 then I went 0/38.

    There were another 18 series that I had watched but didn’t recognize from the short clips, including Azumanga – even though I’ve watched it like four times. I did get all three Shaft series though.

    Fun challenge though, thanks for putting it together.

    I wonder how well I would have done with a visual test of these 100 without the music.

    1. Visual tests are way easier because you don’t even listen to the music.

      What I probably should have done with this test is make the distinction that it was going to get harder in the audio itself. Like announce it was going onto expert mode and later onto hardcore mode.

  35. I got 28/100, although 2 of those were King Gainer (it tells us the title! Free point) and Fractale, which I’ve never heard but I decided to write it since I’d just read another post where you mentioned Fractale, and what do you know!

    As usual, by far the most torturous was the number of songs I felt I should know but just couldn’t place/remember. I decided to do a list of shame for them:

    Series I watched but couldn’t remember the opening at all:
    Angel Beats
    Trigun (too long man)
    Irresponsible Captain Tylor
    Welcome to the NHK
    Marmalade Boy
    Rinne no Lagrange

    I might have watched part of some of the other shows, they were just too shit so I didn’t bother finishing/remembering anything about them.

    Series where I should’ve gotten because I either love the OP or it’s a huge ear-worm:
    Outlaw Star
    Last Exile
    Black Lagoon (special mention because the part chosen totally threw me off – my brain completely failed to make the connection to Red Fraction and I sat waiting for it to play throughout)
    RahXephon (this is getting embarrassing)
    Scrapped Princess
    Soredemo Machi ga Mawatteiru

    Special mention for What The Fuck Was This Show Called Again Why Can’t I Just Get Credit For Shut Up And Explode?:

    Most satisfied in getting right:
    Crest of the Stars (holy shit how did I remember this generic op?)
    NieA_7 (easy to get IF you’ve watched it I guess)

    1. Not the only person to mention not getting the Black Lagoon one. Maybe I picked a bad clip? Also poo you on calling the Crest of the Stars one generic! I love that OP!

      1. Haha, I’m not its biggest fan I guess. Particularly compared to the quality of the show, I found it unremarkable.

        Also you totally should have included the Simoun opening in there, it would be perfect – good, different from most openings, and from a show almost no-one watched.

  36. Gaah, got only 23, but then i never listen to openings or endings so I’m not surprised.

    Also scamp 87/100. Who made this quiz?

      1. I had to look up how to spell “Soredemo Machi Wa Mawatteiru”. And spent a bit of time wondering why it wasn’t accepting “Princess Jellyfish”

  37. 16/100 hangs head in shame

    Would’ve gotten 17/100 but I had to relisten to the Popee theme about four times before I finally GOT IT and then by then time had run out. Goddamnit. I had to pause and relisten to the Excel Saga, Abenobashi, and Angel Beats themes, but just couldn’t place them.

    I’ve watched some of One Outs, xxxHolic, and Future Diary, but could not remember the OPs AT ALL.

    1. I would have gotten that much too but then i cheated at the end my guessing some of scamp’s favorite anime.

  38. OH GOD
    I got 13/100. Oh and I guess Cowboy Bepop, but it didn’t recognize my text (maybe I kept misspelling it…).

    I really should have gotten Code Geass, Last Exile, The Tatami Galaxy, Jellyfish, Hare Guu and Who is Imouto.

    Having said that, I haven’t most of the remaining series, but a lot of them sounded really familiar….

  39. Jibun Woooooo


    That was…humbling, to say the least. Looks like I need to watch more anime! I have no idea how I missed Wolf’s Rain, Tatami Galaxy, Future Diary, Rahxephon, Sankarea, Sacred Seven, Sakura Wars, Fractale, and Rinne no Lagrange. The last section just killed me.

    Anyway, that was a lot of fun. Thanks, Scamp.

    Props for including the Blue Seed OP.

  40. 26/100, http://www.flickr.com/photos/69784232@N08/8545815875/ . Worse than I’d expected, but a lot of things I simply hadn’t seen. Annoyed I missed One Outs, Divergence Eve and Da Capo (particularly after listening to that song one million times while subbing it); actually quite happy to have forgotten Crest of the Stars, Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, and Michiko to Hatchin. Pleased about getting Ghost Hound and Texhnolyze after hearing each once, and Kill Me Baby after hearing zero times (it says the title in the song).

  41. Wow. I hate myself for losing my results, my laptop surely does hate me. Though I do remember my score. 31/100. Haru+Guu! Love that one, got to love the classics such as Godannar, Trigun. I can also say I didn’t miss the Cowboy Bebop nor the outlaw star one.

    Keeps anime Otaku card I might have even leveled up!

  42. 17/100 Pretty terrible but I freaked out when I realized you included the Violinist of Hameln. Great surprise! Easily my favorite manga.

  43. 27/100…
    God the amount of combinations of Honey and Clover I put in for Princess Jellyfish… I missed 12 openings I’d seen at least once before too although King Gainer was a free point. Kinda annoyed I didn’t get Umineko nor Higurashi though. Most other things I blame on age/how little I actually heard it.

  44. Ha! 14/100, I’m pretty proud that I got Saber Marionette J. I kept typing Slayers and then thought about what other anime Megumi Hayashibara has done and BAM!

  45. You have no idea how long it took me to complete this on my fail Australian wifi connection – good thing I am both bored as hell and stubborn as fuck!

    65/100 – stuff I missed was stuff I haven’t seen yet so I’m pretty damn pleased with myself – no revoking my otaku license yet!


  46. 38/100

    Watched 24 of the 100 shows and got all their OPs, knew 14 OPs from shows I didn’t watch.
    Refrained from taking wild guesses on popular anime and just never heard any of the 62 songs I missed.

    So yeah, I’m one of these uncivilized plebs who haven’t watched Comboy Bebop yet :/
    It’s about time, huh.

  47. Meh. 23/100. I think I got just about every show I’ve seen on the list, but I guess that just means I haven’t seen very much.

  48. Got 26/100.

    Missing Lain and Psycho-Pass was particularly frustrating. The first is one of my favorite anime songs, and the second is currently airing.

    Still, this made me smile. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  49. 34/100

    I have never heard of a single anime in the entire third column, which is kind of impressive in its own way. If I didn’t get Sexy Commando I would have missed the entire final 48 series simply by virtue of having only heard of one of them ever.

  50. Finally played the entire thing.

    42/100 I got a bit depressed that I couldn’t get anything on the third column + not getting Slam Dunk and Onizuka and Tylor.

  51. 12/100.
    Knew the “Who is Imouto” song but couldn’t get the ridiculous Japanese title right…

    Also recognized the fantastic Popo (which this website introduced me to!) but couldn’t remember the damn title.

  52. I got 25/100. Then I started cheating with 2 minutes left and got 31/100. I got 31/100 just by putting in shows that I’ve seen before. Except GTO, I don’t know how I missed that one. I love how I typed Black Heaven really early and got it just because I knew you’d put it in there. That was really fun. Will you do something like this for anime endings, Scamp?

  53. 13/100 – got
    25/100 – seen

    Most of these are anime that I didn’t have any interest in.
    Also, I usually skip the OP.
    I’m apparently quite terrible with placing OPs I do know with that anime they go with.

    I just randomly came here btw.

  54. I just started guessing anime names after the eight or so I legitimately got.

    I knew that the Marginal Prince OP was from some BL anime, I just didn’t which one. They might as well all be the same.

  55. 27/100 got every show I’ve seen except Code Geass, but i’ve only seen about 10 anime from 1990-2002 so I was destined to fail.

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