33 thoughts on “12 Days of Anime #11: That Battleship

  1. Indeed Scamp, that city carrier deserves a place in the 12 days of anime.
    If a picture is worth a thousand words this is worth 22000 words.
    And yes, the reverse is equally awesome.

  2. The subs call them “Academy Warships”, but I say the term “Schoolcraft Carriers” fits the original pun better. Thoughts?

    1. The director has a solid history of good comedies, but the trailer focused on the girls part and didn’t leave a good account of the material, which is why I wasn’t expecting much. But yes, it does have some pedigree behind it

  3. Just look at all of these people you have suddenly convinced to watch the show! I think these two posts have been a rousing success.

    On the one hand, it’s too bad the last two episodes are being delayed until spring. On the other hand, as long as there are no huge cliffhangers like this week, I will be fine with it. I’ll be sitting there, enjoying my other shows, having gotten over the Panzer high after not having watched it in months, when suddenly, BAM! IT’S BACK. We get a grand finale of Panzer goodness right when we least expect it, and we get to get hyped for it all over again.

    1. I hope it doesn’t get lost in spring, what with the increasing number of awesome anime that look like they are going to be airing that season

  4. I honestly didn’t think tank warfare could be as exciting as GaruPan made it out to be, but it is.

    Now it just needs to put a little more effort in making me care about the characters and we’re all set on making this one of the top anime of the season.

    1. The characters are but bodies to fill the tanks… to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t mind if the tanks were the characters.

      I mean, to be fair, most of them are only “The Char.B1 Crew” or “That crazy StuG crew”… I think this show gets better the less time the characters are on the screen and the more time the tanks are!

    2. I know this is silly, but please don’t call it friggen Garupan. You’re not Japanese. They title the show Girls und Panzer. Girls is not spelt Garu. Stop being all weeaboo

  5. This show… Okay, let me explain some things here…

    I like tanks, I like tanks a lot, I’m also not a big fan of pointless moe stuff, so… Given that, you can imagine the reaction I’d give when watching the trailer they put out for this Anime.

    While anime has pissed me off in the past, this is the first and only one so far to piss me off based on the trailer alone, it was an incredible moment of “They FINALLY make an anime about tanks, AND THEY MAKE THIS!?”

    Then you forget it exists after some moaning, go on with your life but then you start hearing things, how “It’s not that bad”, You have scamp and others telling you to go watch it, but really, it can’t be good at all right? Then epi 3/4 hit…

    Now people say it’s actually quite good, but for someone who actually knows WWII tanks in great detail and also knows that most tanks shown were complete junk even by mid WWII standards, well… There’s no way it can be good on that front, right?

    So, with all that in mind I sit down and watch it, get to the tank battles and see?

    Well animated tank combat… Okay, dafuq, it actually looks good?
    Attention to detail above what I’d ever expect
    A way, WAY higher degree of historical accuracy than anime in general ever has…

    In a sense, this Anime has blown my mind and left me terribly confused about Anime in general. And if anyone does wonder yes the way they portray the penetration of the main guns and armour for the most part is accurate…

    This baffles the living shit out of me, I still don’t understand how this is good but it’s one of the most fun things I’ve seen this year…

    /rant I’ve been looking for a reason to write for weeks now

    1. Well hey, I’m not a military nut in the slightest and I still love the show. I just think it’s fantastically directed

    2. Truly, a show that many different people can enjoy!

      Hey, just goes to prove that anything can be good if the right people make it with enough effort… I mean, for once it’s nice to see that as it’s mostly the opposite getting proved over, and over, and over…

      But Tanks are sexy no? Damnit’ someone agree with me here.

  6. I know that I said that everybody should enjoy EVERYTHING, but I dropped this show after 2 episodes….
    Characters/girls weren’t interesting nor moe. They were somewhere between really ankwardly. If that makes any sense. Maybe I should try to watch this again. It’s not a bad series but there isn’t a single reason to watch this either. It’s just screams mediocrity to me. I would rather marathon South Park or Futurama. I just don’t get this series or it’s appeal.. The again Hidamari Sketch is fucking PERFECT IMO. I don’t understand myself sometimes.

  7. And you got another people to watch this, congrats!
    Can you shed me some light what makes you keep watching it? Your praise being it fantastically directed piqued my curiosity the most.

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