Fall/Autumn Anime: Gundam 00 Season 2, Toradora, Hyakko, Akane iro ni Somaru Saka

I was going to put all the shows into one BIG post, but I’d have trouble getting through the whole thing, so I’d assume you, reader, would get bored too. So I’m going to cover 4 shows at a time. Keep tuned!

My Rating System Explained!

A = If you watch anything this season, watch this

B = Very good, sometimes surprisingly so.

C = If you have the time, you should check this out

D = Not my kind of thing, I won’t be watching this

E = Bad. Very bad, ignore this show

F = Frustratingly awful

Gundam 00 Season 2

Gundam 00 Season 2 Leaked News

Loba has absolutely everything you need to know about the new season of Gundam, including his views of the first episode. As for myself, I’ve only decided to start the first season now, so I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I get swept up in all this Gundam Mania.

Rating: The general noises I’m hearing include lines like ‘this is the way to start a new season’ and so on. So perhaps a rating of A-is warranted


On paper, Toradora sounds boring. Just some guy meets some girl and romance eventually follows. I would have given this show a miss but one thing kept drawing me back: The book it’s based on has won awards. That means it fulfills the most basic requirement for me, intelligence.

Toradora is funny, it’s intelligent, it’s unoriginal but lets not hold that against it for now, quickfire dialogue makes up for that, but I’m really hoping that it starts to show some originality soon or else it may get boring.

Rating: It really does deserve a B for the first episode, could be a good comedy for the season


Hyakko is a high school girl’s comedy in it’s entirety. A bunch of girls wandering around a giant school hopelessly lost? Yup, high school comedy. So let’s see if it ticks the boxes that makes one of these types of shows good.

What Hyakko needs is the right atmosphere and characters that are enjoyable to watch. A tick in both those boxes. Not exactly an amazing first episode but all was needed was to set the tone. If all goes well then in 6 episodes or so you will love this show

Rating: Only a C for now, but this grade should improve in time so long as no annoying characters appear

Akane iro ni Somaru Saka

I knew anyway, but after I watched the first episode I checked and yes, this was adapted from an eroge. That should teach me from downloading blind. This was really frustratingly bad. Heck, a bit of fanservice would have been appreciated, it might have drawn away from the fact that every girls face looked the exact same, bar their ridiculous hairstlyes.

I would’ve thought that character designs are the most important thing about an eroge? Do people earn money to take the same template and add on hairstlyes? I won’t even bother insulting the plot or the dialogue, it’s just too easy and I’d never stop.

Rating: I’ve seen worse, but not many. A true F+ right here

3 thoughts on “Fall/Autumn Anime: Gundam 00 Season 2, Toradora, Hyakko, Akane iro ni Somaru Saka

  1. i saw the cover of toradora!2 in a japanese net but wen i browsed i found no season 2, maybe its still in process uploading its files^^

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