Durarara x2 episode 8 – Some movement

It was nice to see Durarara actually have some animation again. People actually moved. Arms gestured while people spoke and people walked across rooms as they saw something, instead of fading in and out as the animators forgot to do the inbetweens. That said we are hardly out of the woods yet. While we are…… Continue reading Durarara x2 episode 8 – Some movement

Durarara episode 25

Oh Brains Base~! You have no idea how much I want another season of this. Look, I know Natsume Yuujinchou is a cool show and all and I’m moderately pleased it got another season, but it didn’t really need another one. Not compared to Durarara. Oh well, might as well enjoy this final DVD special…… Continue reading Durarara episode 25

Durarara!! episode 20

Durarara manages to explain what the vast majority of what’s written on the internet is. Especially internet forums and chatrooms, which explains why Dollars seems to be made up of almost entirely young people. Oh, and one headless Irish Fairy in a skin tight leather suit. So this time around we spend half the episode…… Continue reading Durarara!! episode 20

Durarara!! episode 14

I know that I, like almost everyone else, felt rather let down by the new opening to Durarara but the inevitable has happened. After only two episodes it’s already grown on me. OK, when I say 2 episodes that doesn’t mean I’ve listened to it twice. The real number is more like 10, but that’s…… Continue reading Durarara!! episode 14