Psycho Pass episode 11 – The unofficial 13 day

Psycho Pass is so moe, right guys! …guys? A few notes before we get to the part of the episode everyone wants to talk about. Firstly, for a man whose body has been optimised through cybernetics, the hunting CEO sure does seem to have crappy aim. It wasn’t even like Kougami was much further than…… Continue reading Psycho Pass episode 11 – The unofficial 13 day

Fanomenon Anime Day: Redline review

Yesterday I reviewed Mardock Scramble from the Leeds International Film Festival. Today: Redline Redline Someone showed the Japanese ‘Wacky Races’. They were not impressed. “They call this ‘wacky’?”, they said. “We’ll show them wacky”. You have never seen an anime like this before. Redline is an experience. The story is about some punk-ass racing driver…… Continue reading Fanomenon Anime Day: Redline review

Cat Shit One episode 1

I normally wouldn’t write about something like this until the monthly roundups but I have the feeling that this would otherwise fall under the radar of your average anime fan. So I’m here trying to spread the word. Cat Shit One’s first episode has been released and subbed. It’s also pretty good and well worth…… Continue reading Cat Shit One episode 1

July Roundup

I’ve been wanting to do these monthly roundup posts for a while now but I wanted to wait until I had a loyal following who genuinely cared about what I had to say. However after realising that I would never achieve that level of internet stardom I decided I would post them anyway. I’m going…… Continue reading July Roundup