10 Moments of Suck in Anime: 2015 Edition

We just spent the last 12 days celebrating the best moments in anime. We will soon have everyone posting their Anime of the Year lists. Everyone is feeling pretty great about anime right now. That’s why I’m here to put a stop to all this celebrating. Christmas is over, it’s time to stew in miserable…… Continue reading 10 Moments of Suck in Anime: 2015 Edition

Durarara x2 episode 8 – Some movement

It was nice to see Durarara actually have some animation again. People actually moved. Arms gestured while people spoke and people walked across rooms as they saw something, instead of fading in and out as the animators forgot to do the inbetweens. That said we are hardly out of the woods yet. While we are…… Continue reading Durarara x2 episode 8 – Some movement

Durarara x2 episode 7 – In-between animation? What’s that?

The animation had been bugging me a little in Durarara this season, although every time I meant to bring it up I instead went on weird tangents about how great Yahoo answers is. Any full shots of characters standing up made them look like overly long noodle people. Not quite XXXHolic levels but still distracting.…… Continue reading Durarara x2 episode 7 – In-between animation? What’s that?