Nisemonogatari episode 10

I’M NOT DEAD YET Essays completed by deadline date and handed in all wonderful and everything. Time to put away my metaphorical academic pen from writing about some rather disturbing stuff and instead write about pornographic, pedophilic, it’s not smut it’s art, cartoons from Japan. I love this swap in facial expression by Shinobu. One…… Continue reading Nisemonogatari episode 10

January Roundup

I suppose the closest thing we got to BIG NEWSU~ is Funimation suing 1337 pirates who downloaded One Piece in what is probably meant to be a show of strength but comes off as more a show of stupidity. I’ve generally found it wise to ignore what goes on with Funimation anyway and simply wait…… Continue reading January Roundup

Star Driver episode 1

I have no words for this. Actually I do. I have plenty of words. 421 in fact, many of them being the word ‘fabulous’ and synonyms of said word. First, since my blog is named after the anime, I’d just like to say that Star Driver is quite a distance away from Code Geass in…… Continue reading Star Driver episode 1

Ridiculously Early Winter 2011 Chart

Edit: This chart has since been updated. Go here for the latest charts. The reason I was going to start making these charts was because Chartfag was slowing down and there wasn’t another trustworthy creator of the charts. However Chartfag finally did bring out one of his amazing charts for the Fall Season (I feel…… Continue reading Ridiculously Early Winter 2011 Chart

You are all going to love Bungaku Shojo and I hate you for doing so

This is the first of 3 OVA episodes that are meant as a prequel to the Bungaku Shojo movie. The movie hasn’t been subbed yet but the first OVA has. Bungaku Shojo, translated to Literature Girl, is about a girl who eats books. Very simple premise really. The books taste depends on how the book…… Continue reading You are all going to love Bungaku Shojo and I hate you for doing so

The fans reactions to the spring anime season

I think by this stage I’ve written quite enough on my own thoughts of the new anime this spring season, but what about the rest of anime fandom? Spending my time lurking in forums, trawling blogs, wasting time on twitter and raging at the level of stupidity (and ignorance at their own stupidity) that ANN…… Continue reading The fans reactions to the spring anime season

Drop your prejudice for sports anime and actually watch some

Sports anime? No thank you! This upcoming spring anime season is an interesting one for a bunch of reasons, the most notable of which being the rather unusual shortage of moe titles. However one thing that many people have commented on is the rather large number of sports anime this season. Giant Killing, another season…… Continue reading Drop your prejudice for sports anime and actually watch some

This is not a season preview, this is just a rant

Chartfags amazing chart came out the other day as I’m sure most of you know by now. My thoughts while looking at it were ‘quality over quantity’, which is totally the opposite approach to the current season. Instead of the usual sequel laden nonsense that often appears, we have a season full of original ideas and recognised…… Continue reading This is not a season preview, this is just a rant