Is this a homage?

Something looks strangely similar. Is it the hairband? The pose? The same colour and design for the uniform? The symbol placed on the left forearm? Oh well, it’s probably just a coincidence. It’s probably also a coincidence that they’re playing a music concert in Angel Beats promo video. (And you thought this would be another…… Continue reading Is this a homage?

Spring 2010 sucks…if you’re a moefag!

Chartfags amazing chart came out recently and so you get the interwebs commenting on the upcoming season across the board. Now usually these conversations fill me with rage because how dismissive people can get just because the promo picture contains a bishojo and fall down the usual path of proclaiming anime to be heading downhill…… Continue reading Spring 2010 sucks…if you’re a moefag!

12 moments in anime #2: Who cares about last year, 2010 FTW!

So I’ve spent the last 10 days looking back at how wonderful a year in anime is was for me and my glorious anime fandom. That’s lovely and everything, it’s always nice to look back at get all nostalgic over the times you’ve enjoyed. But you know me. There’s only so long I can spend reminiscing before…… Continue reading 12 moments in anime #2: Who cares about last year, 2010 FTW!

This is not a season preview, this is just a rant

Chartfags amazing chart came out the other day as I’m sure most of you know by now. My thoughts while looking at it were ‘quality over quantity’, which is totally the opposite approach to the current season. Instead of the usual sequel laden nonsense that often appears, we have a season full of original ideas and recognised…… Continue reading This is not a season preview, this is just a rant

Who cares about this season, I'm looking forward to Durarara!

What, there’s a new season? Does it have an anime made by the entire same crew who worked behind Baccano? For example, does it have any anime by Brains Base? What about Takahiro Omori, the director or Takahiro Kishida, the character designer for Baccano? How about an anime based off a light novel by Ryohgo…… Continue reading Who cares about this season, I'm looking forward to Durarara!

Lets start building some hype for Cencoroll

Now why would I be building hype for Cencoroll? Well, I’ll just let this trailer answer that question. So….you excited too? The facts are these: Cencoroll is a movie concocted by one man, Atsuya Uki. In 2006 a company, Anime Innovation Tokyo, decided to sponsor his idea for the movie in a competition they held.…… Continue reading Lets start building some hype for Cencoroll