5 Light Novel adaptations announced in one day – further analysis

The light novel publisher Media Factory, a subsidiary of the publishing conglomerate Kadokawa, announced anime adaptations of 5 of their light novel properties. Usually I cover this sort of stuff in the season preview, but the 5 titles in question all have very noticeable similarities and re-occurring traits. It would be remiss of me not…… Continue reading 5 Light Novel adaptations announced in one day – further analysis

New Ghost in the Shell written by the Mardock Scramble guy

A new Ghost in the Shell was announced recently. No Kenji Kamiyama on it this time though, he’s too busy making surprisingly awesome looking fully CG movies of Cyborg 009. Instead, Production IG have given it to Kazuchika Kise. Looking at his resume, he’s largely only done animation directing. Still though, he was animation director on…… Continue reading New Ghost in the Shell written by the Mardock Scramble guy

Thoughts on the new Lupin III TV series (The Woman Called Fujiko Mine)

Hiatus Announcement: Deadlines are approaching fast so I’m really busy at the moment. I’ll be back hopefully on the 15th I posted my season preview a little bit later than usual this season, because I was waiting to see if any other series were announced. But after a week I gave up, thinking that if…… Continue reading Thoughts on the new Lupin III TV series (The Woman Called Fujiko Mine)

What I’d like to see from the fourth season of Natsume Yuujinchou

Possibly my favourite episode of the third season of Natsume Yuujinchou was the flashback episode to Natsume’s childhood, just before he got taken in by his caring aunt and uncle. He had all but given up on the world of humans and ever feeling love, deciding instead to hand himself over to a yokai that…… Continue reading What I’d like to see from the fourth season of Natsume Yuujinchou

Pre-air of Daily Lives of Highschool Boys

Daily Lives of Highschool Boys have taken an unusual route of advertising their material by releasing 5 minute short episodes over the internet before the show airs on TV this winter. Not expecting much, I checked them out. To give you a little idea of what to expect, here’s the lyrics to the ending song.…… Continue reading Pre-air of Daily Lives of Highschool Boys

God’s gift to Scamp

So there was I, minding my own business. Chilling in my room, scratching my bum and procrastinating on twitter, when God appeared before me and spake thus: God: SCAMP! I have come to you with a message Scamp: Oh no, is this the call? Where you come down to me and tell me to abandon…… Continue reading God’s gift to Scamp

12 Days of Anime #5: The new Berserk fan

Berserk is phenomenal. It may not be my favourite anime of all time, but it’s the ‘best’. Perfection in story-telling beyond anything else I’ve ever seen in anime, or entertainment in general. But I’m never going to write a better post about what happened in Berserk than this one, so that’s not what this post…… Continue reading 12 Days of Anime #5: The new Berserk fan

Cat Shit One episode 1

I normally wouldn’t write about something like this until the monthly roundups but I have the feeling that this would otherwise fall under the radar of your average anime fan. So I’m here trying to spread the word. Cat Shit One’s first episode has been released and subbed. It’s also pretty good and well worth…… Continue reading Cat Shit One episode 1

Black Lagoon OVA trailer made my head explode

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a hype building post, although I’m still waiting for that first Break Blade movie to come out, but there hasn’t been an anime I’ve been particularly excited about in the last two seasons. I was originally excited about a prospective third season of Black Lagoon until it…… Continue reading Black Lagoon OVA trailer made my head explode

Drop your prejudice for sports anime and actually watch some

Sports anime? No thank you! This upcoming spring anime season is an interesting one for a bunch of reasons, the most notable of which being the rather unusual shortage of moe titles. However one thing that many people have commented on is the rather large number of sports anime this season. Giant Killing, another season…… Continue reading Drop your prejudice for sports anime and actually watch some