JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 34 – GOOOOOOOOOD


Meet D’Arby and his cat, D’Awwwwwwwwwby.

I and others familiar with the story hyped this arc in particular when we realized it was coming up. Admittedly I became a bit concerned about backlash, because I didn’t want to give people the wrong idea about this fight. It’s not exactly a knockout, drag out brawl. What it is, however, is emblematic of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure at its best, a fight that’s just a bit off from expectations and turns the story into something else entirely.

My favorite arcs in JoJo are the ones that turn into a different type of story viewed through the lens of JoJo. Most often in Stardust Crusaders, it ends up that the not-as-straightforward Stand battles end up as horror pastiches, because Hirohiko Araki was still testing the limits of this concept. Here, we get a fight that’s all mental. The weapons are mind games, character, and charisma. Misdirection is your ally. How well can you fool your opponent into thinking something inconsequential matters and mask your true intentions?

What makes this episode so fun is that D’Arby is such a performer; he delights in pulling the curtain back just enough to let you know it’s all an act, and nonetheless finding a way to fool people. The cat bet is as much a way for D’Arby to amuse himself as it is a way to get the jump on the heroes. He’s showing them his tricks to make it that much more fun when he ambles to the edge of the cliff and survives another day. D’Arby cheats and insinuates that he’ll continue to cheat until he’s caught. If you don’t catch him, then you probably weren’t good enough to win in the first place, right?

jojos-bizarre-adventure-joseph-joestar-coinsOf course Joseph Joestar would end up challenging D’Arby. Many of his victories in Battle Tendency came as a result of bluffing, improvisation, and straight-up cheating, after all. It’s a great showcase for Joseph, because this is a fight where physicality doesn’t matter — it’s how sharp one’s mind is that determines the victor. Watching Joseph and D’Arby attempt to out-macho each other and throw each other off with mind games is great fun. Joseph has wonderful old man tricks: deliberately mispronouncing D’Arby’s name, adding that extra squeeze of liquid to the glass to ensure the next coin would overflow the glass. It’s all part of the performance. Who can put on the best show and intimidate the opponent the most?

It’s unfortunate that old man Joseph has grown just a bit too soft in his old age. He has concerns other than swindling people day-in and day-out. (Well, maybe. He might be swindling people every damn day in real estate deals or however the hell he made his money.) Joseph’s against a gamblin’ man who spends all his time in the underworld stealing souls. I wonder which of them has the steeliest nerves? Probably the one bragging about his collection of soul pogs.


Poor Avdol is on the other side of the spectrum here. He’d be a bad gambler, unfortunately. I guess he can keep his cool when he’s presented with a straight-up fight situation, but once he has to deal with all the subterfuge and people being sneaky bastards, then he can’t help himself. Avdol is just too good a dude. He can’t operate on the level of people undermining each other to get ahead in life.


This is but the start, of course. The poker battle between D’Arby and Jotaro is where the real fun is at. Not to further push hype down everyone’s throats, but one of my favorite moments in Stardust Crusaders is in this arc. I’m looking forward to it!

22 thoughts on “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 34 – GOOOOOOOOOD

  1. Joseph had to be nerfed for part 3, otherwise he’d overshadow Jotaro too much. It’s a great battle and the next one is quite good too.

  2. Living up to the hype so far. It’s always nice when JoJo takes a break from the regular type of fights.

    1. Judging from how many chapters they’re finishing per week (and there are 5 battles left after this one), the first two should be 1 and 1/2 eps respectively, then the next two might be 2/3 each. The last one will probably take 6 eps.

  3. “soul pogs”

    I can totally see D.D. rigging his slammer in preparation for schoolyard tournaments. Playing for keepsies and further bolstering his pog collection with ill-gained spoils while leaving a mass of crying children in his wake…what a villain.

      1. lord the image of D’Arby swindling children and mowing through them to thicken his collection of soul pogs is too damn funny

  4. Honestly I figured that Joseph had chosen a glass of whiskey so that he could cheat and manipulate it with the Ripple.

    1. The ripple has that little “lightning everywhere!!!” problem. Also, Joseph needs to touch the glass ALL the time to make it work.

      1. Didn’t it show in Season 1 that the Ripple could go through solid objects? When he took off his glove I figured he’d hold the table and use the ripple through it to keep the water steady.

        I think the author didn’t just so he’d lose and Jotaro would have a turn.

      2. There is still the problem of the visibility. D’Arby would get suspicious of the sudden light emitted by Joseph.

      3. I’m not even sure if people untrained in the ripple can see it. Like non stand users can’t see stands.

      4. CMIIW but I thought Stand is another form of Ripple? The kanji for Stand is 幽波紋 which read “Yuu Hamon” (Ghostly Ripple), so any Stand user might be able to see Ripple as well.

  5. Smoky saw Joseph use the ripple and saw the glowing so yes, D’Arby would have saw it. Joseph still could have done it through the bottom of the table, but Dio might have told D’Arby about the ripple.

  6. My theory is that Joseph just wasn’t confident enough with the Ripple anymore to use it in his game with D’Arby. When he fights the Empress, he does say that he hasn’t used it in a while, and in Part 3, we only really see him use it offensively; not for any of the crazy stuff that he was doing in Part 2 or that Jonathan and the Zeppelis were doing back then.


    In Part 4, we don’t see him use it at all (partly because he does fuck all in that arc other than take care of an invisible baby who also does fuck all in said arc), and he’s even OLDER there as well (how much of his senility he was putting on, though, is debatable, since he doesn’t seem all that hard of hearing after the part with the invisible baby, and there’s even that bit in the Cinderella part where he runs out without his cane and even knocks over Koichi because the baby starts crying and using its Stand power of invisibility again.

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