Durarara x2 episode 9 – Escape chariot

Durarara X2 - 09 -28[2]Celty really has stopped giving a fuck whether anyone knows her identity anymore. She used to drive around only at night and even then with her lights off. Now she creates headless horse chariots in the middle of a busy street in broad daylight with multiple people videoing her on their phones. I guess she has appeared so often on TV that she doesn’t feel the need to hide herself anymore. On a more serious note, it’s also part of her overall character development of being more comfortable with being seen as a person and not a monster. She has friends, hangs out with people and is not afraid of being with people.

Durarara x2 Shou - 09 - Large 09Speaking of character development, Shizuo is undergoing to considerably more noticeable shift which appears to be the primary focus of this arc. Well, as much a primary focus as anything can be in Durarara when there are 6 different stories colliding at once. Shizuo is the one I’m personally the most interested in because Shizuo is mai husbando do not steal he’s otherwise been such a static member of the cast that it’s fun to see some shift in his personality. He’s trying to be non-confrontational so he can not be an embarrassment to his brother, as well as a general sense that he’s just letting himself down. I would particularly love if you saw Shizuo sitting on a train reading a self-help book and diligently taking notes. There’s something about the image of the most feared man in Ikebukero licking his fingers and turning the page while everyone else cowers in the corner that amuses me.

It’s something I’ll admit I didn’t really expect from Durarara. Seeing its more eccentric characters actually develop throughout the story. It’s not something I’m accustomed to with Narita’s writing. I love Baccano and there’s a reason it’s the top rated anime of all time by The Cart Driver Dot Com (although that list badly needs to be updated), but nobody in that show really develops. They come out fully formed eccentric people right from the word go. This is what you get when you allow one of his stories to grow. It’s what happens when you give one of his anime more than one season. So about that Baccano sequel hmmmmm…

Durarara x2 Shou - 09 - Large 25Since it has become customary for me to mention the animation in these posts, boy I am glad that it’s back to normal. I had been so thrown by the animation being so awful that I hadn’t really registered a lot of what had been happening. Varona’s entire storyline is basically ruined for me now. I don’t care about her nor her Yahoo Answers buddy or any of their backstory or their involvement in the current plot because I was so completely taken out of their earlier story by the awful animation. Which may be on me to a certain extent but the end result is still me begin taken out of a large chunk of the story.

7 thoughts on “Durarara x2 episode 9 – Escape chariot

  1. Shinra really talks about anything openly to anybody doesn’t he. I thought he would be smarter than that.

    Maybe Celty actually enjoys the fame. Maybe she just can’t admit it.

    Aoba is becoming a little bit like a kid version of Izaya. I like it.

    Next episode seems to be about the little girl. Does every Durarara!! character have to have a special episode dedicated to them? I don’t think so.

    1. I really enjoyed the unstated tension in the scene between Shinra and the yakuza in his apartment. On the one hand they are very dangerous men who want this information a whole lot, and probably they would have slapped most people around on general principle to get them to talk. On the other hand, they have two good reasons not to get too rough with Shinra. First he’s a valuable resource as a top underground doctor. Second, he’s the beloved of a headless monster for whose powers they have a healthy respect.

      So they politely sit back and allow Shinra to tell his story in his own way, on the mutual understanding that he willing tell them everything. They never threaten him at all, but it’s understood that they could threaten him if things don’t go well. You notice in the next episode they leave a dude chilling in Shinra’s apartment to keep an eye on him until everything is settled, but it all remains very polite.

  2. “[…] Shizu-chan […] Since you’re superhuman, growing as a human would be pointless, don’t you think? […]” (Izaya – 08:10) Surprisingly I’m with Izaya with regards to the shift in Shizuo’s personality. I mean isn’t the entire reason, he became what he is, that he couldn’t control his anger? His inability to manage his anger coupled with his inability to feel led to his superseding the limits of the human body. It’s obviously still there as we saw last episode, where his finger bled from ringing Izaya’s doorbell so damn much and so damn hard. But if it were gone woudn’t he be somehow lesser. What I’m hoping for is, that Shizuo’s current restraint is just a further stage in his anger. After all, in a way, Shizuo, of all people, smiling after being told about some prank Izaya played on him is even scarier.

    1. That’s an interesting idea. Would Shizuo lose his powers if he kept his anger under control? I don’t think so since he can withstand damage even when he’s not angry. Once unleashed it can’t be withheld.

  3. My favorite line of the episode was Varona commenting while watching Celty ride away from the warehouse, how Celty was riding away with someone because Celty planned to eat the human. It serves as a perfect reminder of how the outside world might see Celty (just a monster), and how maybe we should see Celty, yet we know her and just think of her as another person.

    We’re getting set up for the real conflict of the arc/season, by showing Varona’s observation on how someone (Izaya) must be coordinating events, that it can’t be coincidence that all her targets are working together. “Chances of being bullied by our client: Not zero.”

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