Who cares about this season, I'm looking forward to Durarara!

What, there’s a new season? Does it have an anime made by the entire same crew who worked behind Baccano? For example, does it have any anime by Brains Base? What about Takahiro Omori, the director or Takahiro Kishida, the character designer for Baccano? How about an anime based off a light novel by Ryohgo Narita, the guy who wrote Baccano? I doesn’t? Well, next winter does. Screw you Fall. Or Autumn. People can’t even agree on your name. Winter is going to rock my socks. Because this Winter, Durarara is airing! I would post the video of the new trailer but I have no idea how to rip videos onto youtube and nobody else has done it yet so instead I’m going to provide you to a link to their homepage so you can watch the video there.

::Edit:: Found it!


If you’re still reading then I’m going to assume you’ve watched the trailer already. To be honest, when I first saw the orignal art and character designs on the homepage, I was a teensy bit worried. They looked worryingly like they came from Yozakura Quartet. However that trailer totally eliminated those worries. Did you see that guy with no head? The he pulled a scythe from out his head, how f*cking awesome was that! How about the motorcyclist who walloped the guy in the face with his tyre. Or the random picture of Horo in the background. Yes, I’m fanboying here, but Baccano is probably the best anime I’ve ever seen in my life. Durarara is basically the closest thing you can get to a season 2. That trailer has gotten me so bloody excited and it’s still 3 months away. I’ve got a whole season to get through before I can watch Durarara. Darker than Black and Kobato don’t seem quite so exciting anymore.


You see what I  about the original character designs looking a lot like Yozakura? *Sign* I’ve got to stop getting myself hyped for anime that aren’t coming out for ages. Time to try get myself re-hyped for Darker than Black and Kobato.

In b4 people start typing Durarararararararararararara

7 thoughts on “Who cares about this season, I'm looking forward to Durarara!

  1. Seems interesting.

    Yeah, I’m becoming somewhat disillusioned with the new stuff in the Fall season, though hopefully something will strike me. Pinning a lot of hope on Kimi ni Todoke and comedy from Seitokai no Ichizon. But at least there are sequels of series that I like (InuYasha, Darker Than Black, and Natsu no Arashi).

  2. Watch the trailer on youtube and it was awesome ^_^
    On the trailer also have reference on Baccano and Spice & Wolf (two of the been animated by Brain Base)
    In this season i only watch three shows (Nyan Koi,Kimi ni Todoke and InuYasha)
    Looking forward to Winter09/10 for Durarara!

  3. nyan!!! sugoku omoishiro sou da nee? i think it’s nery interesting beside there’s my seiyuu husby dai-ono chan!!!

  4. Awesome, I can’t wait to see this anime. When I saw the trailer today after an episode of Darker than Black, I couldn’t translate it, but got to the Anime of 2010 on wiki and found it from there. When I saw it was from the people who make Baccano, I was in shock! I told my friend who had seen Baccano at my request and he can’t wait either. I might get this as an assignment either way, but I’ll be looking forward to this. Thanks for the BLOG! This is awesome ^^ also, cool Darker than Black reference at the top of the page, gave me a laugh.


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